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FIVERR - Hire Freelancers or Work Yourself as one
Hire Freelancers or Work Yourself as one

Udacity’s One Free Month Access to Nanodegree Programs

Udacity’s One Free Month Access to Nanodegree Programs


Udacity's Contribution to the COVID-19 Crisis: One Free Month Access to Nanodegree Programs

Udacity is where lifelong learners come to learn the skills they need, to land the jobs they want, to build the lives they deserve.

A Udacity Nanodegree® Program is a unique online educational offering designed to bridge the gap between learning and career goals. We partner with industry leaders and experts who understand what skills are in demand in the applicable job market.

Courses include:

Introduction to Programming, Front End Web Developer, Data Analyst, iOS Developer, Full Stack Web Developer, Predictive Analytics for Business, Machine Learning Engineer, Self Driving Car Engineer, Digital Marketing, React, Data Scientist, Data Engineer, Marketing Analytics, Product Manager, Al Programming with Python, Business Analytics, Deep Learning, Programming for DS (Python), Intro to Self-Driving Cars, Programming for DS (R), Blockchain Developer, Data Visualization, Robotics Software Engineer, C+ + Nanodegree Program, Intro to Machine Learning with PyTorch, Intro to Machine Learning with TensorFlow, Data Structures and Algorithms, Sensor Fusion Engineer, UX Designer, Flying Car and Autonomous Flight Engineer Nanodegree, Android Developer, Android Basics, Artificial Intelligence for Trading, Computer Vision, Natural Language Processing, Deep Reinforcement Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Cloud Developer, Cloud DevOps Engineer, Intel Edge Al for loT Developers.

How to get one month free udacity course:

1. Preffered device is DESKTOP

2. Open UDACITY website and create new account using Chrome browser don't use old account

3. Note : Before installing vpn need to create account Hola Vpn

4. Now install Hola Vpn in chrome browser

5. Now you see hola vpn logo on top right corner click and open it

6. Click on United States VPN and Change your browser location to United States as showing in              image now you will be logged out after enabling US LOCATION , please login again.

7. Now you will be able to see One Month Free Access Banner

8. Now click on Enroll Today or follow this link and select course you want
        Here I have chosen Cloud Devops Engineer

9. Now you can see FREE ACCESS for a month banner for that specific course

10. Now click on enroll now you will taken to end of the page there you will see two options choose second option which says PAY AS YOU GO Free Month in below image highlighted which option to choose.
11. Now click on enroll now you will taken to check out page and fill address completely
12. Now under payment options select wallet and Click on Phonepe and confirm Subscription 
Note : this is the final part this need to be done carefully
13. Now you will be taken to RazorPay payment page for Rs 1 Payment and it will close automatically and displays error message Unexpected error occurred. Please select other payment method or try again

14. If you have seen this error you are done now you got access to this course without payment
15. Now close this page and open Udacity MyClassRoom page you can find your courses here.


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